Like this "emo" look? People have automatically linked the word 'emo' as the short term for emotions. Others have considered this as a way of expressing oneself like in the way they dress up and the way they project themselves. It has actually been the trademark of a number of rock artists and this I think is the reason why it has easily spread all over the world. The influence of the images that this rock artists portray is what a lot of teens emulate nowadays. And as I have observed the common thing among these "emo" people is the color BLACK and their thick eyeliners which would definitely catch your attention. Sometimes when I encounter some of this emo people, I can't help staring at them because I'm just wondering if they still think the way we, ordinary people think. I'm not questioning their sanity or something but it just that they appear too different to me.
How about u? What can you say about emo people?

Is that you on the pic?
no..just got it from the images hehe..
I think that some people take it too far sometimes,I think that emo is cool but in it's true meaning , and about what you said about them not thinking like normal people,well no one is really normal we're all just weird in our own ways some acceptable and others not so acceptable
I dont think that you should portray emo people as thinking differently from (as you say) "normal people" as how do you know what an ordinary person thinks? To somebody else you could seen like a prep, goth, jock etc. So you will therefore not be normal. Emotional people just express their feelings and their creativity through their clothes and music unlike others who dress like Jessica Sim. Emo's are unique and therefore shouldnt be stared at because they happen to wear black eyeliner.
Emo's are normal people, we just aren't followers like almost every body else. we can dont care what others think of us, and what exactly is "normal"?? nobody is so-called normal. black is a nice color, and it looks good with everything. and emo's dont only wear black, we also wear some bright colors, and personally i think it looks very nice. Emo's are normal people who just choose to express themselves as they want to instead of being preppy and girly.
no one is "normal". and how can you think like a "normal" person? how would you even know? we all have different brains and we're all different, so we all think different. we just show how we feel on the outside instead of just keeping it inside. and we don't just wear all black, we usually wear black with a very vibrant color aswell, I personally love how it looks and it's different and refreshing. and when you star at us, i hope you know, we're staring right back at you wondering the same thing. "what's with the way this freak dresses?"
Coming from an 'emo', id say i have mixed feelings about this report. People who dress like me; act, talk, and think like me doesnt mean we are different. We dont think differently because we dress and look differently. Personally, when i wear my skinny jeans and tee shirts and have my eyeliner done the way i like it, I get rather offended and uncomfortable when i catch someone staring at me. Implus, normal cannot be described. Your normal is different from mine; from Jared Leto; from Barack Obama. Normal does not exist.
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