Like this "emo" look? People have automatically linked the word 'emo' as the short term for emotions. Others have considered this as a way of expressing oneself like in the way they dress up and the way they project themselves. It has actually been the trademark of a number of rock artists and this I think is the reason why it has easily spread all over the world. The influence of the images that this rock artists portray is what a lot of teens emulate nowadays. And as I have observed the common thing among these "emo" people is the color
BLACK and their thick eyeliners which would definitely catch your attention. Sometimes when I encounter some of this emo people, I can't help staring at them because I'm just wondering if they still think the way we, ordinary people think. I'm not questioning their sanity or something but it just that they appear too different to me.
How about u? What can you say about emo people?